05:00 - 22:00


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Republica Cehă

provincia Karlovy Vary
Toužim, 364 01
Karlovarská 607

Metode de plată

Numerar Plată cu cardul

Alte servicii

  google places 4.3

Combustibil Preț
Efecta 95 39,23 CZK/l
Дизелово гориво Efecta Diesel 37,29 CZK/l

Prețurile sunt aproximative

Iveta Sokolová
Google Places© на 03.01.2023

Our saving grace when we wanted to get a coffee and everywhere was closed, the coffee was excellent, the lady at the gas station who served us was talkative and very pleasant

Karel Peroutka
Google Places© на 31.10.2021

... it can be said that everything is fine ...

David Zelený
Google Places© на 03.11.2019

The service is perfect, only one gun on either side of the stand, so the wait is sometimes really annoying. Thanks for the reply, hopefully you can do something about it.

Inka Holasova
Google Places© на 18.11.2017


Jan S
Google Places© на 16.02.2017

There are weekend discounts with so you can paint here at the best prices in the region.

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